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【论坛首页】→ 【广而告之】→ 主题:广而告之板块:房屋出租,二手买卖,商业广告,工作招聘请进广而告之

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admin(2009/8/7 3:32:19)  点击:106110  回复:4  IP:212.* * *


.1.  求租地址
Shoshung(2012/10/20 23:43:48)  IP:46.* * *
本人女,去年从Ulster Uni 毕业,现在爱尔兰首都都柏林工作,因学校和银行还有信件往来,为方便起见,有偿长期求租在北爱Belfast地址,100镑/半年。主要是帮我保留信件,我会定期去取。可以帮忙的朋友或童鞋,请QQ :7386557 标明:地址出租 或email: [email protected] 谢谢

.2.  回复:广而告之板块:房屋出租,二手买卖,商业广告,工作招聘请进广而...
Shoshung(2012/11/14 20:41:27)  IP:46.* * *

.3.  回复:广而告之板块:房屋出租,二手买卖,商业广告,工作招聘请进广而...
edinburgh(2017/3/24 21:57:26)  IP:82.* * *
Universal United Commerce Ltd - Edinburgh
starting from £13,650-£25,000 a year based on experience
Job style: Full time, Permanent
Starting time: ASAP
Main Duties:
Managing diaries and making appointments
Booking rooms and travel arrangements
Preparing and distributing papers and documents for meetings
Taking minutes
Dealing with post
Drafting letters and other documents, such as PowerPoint presentations
Maintaining filing systems
Answering the phone and answering queries
Photocopying and printing
Using various computer packages - Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Wechat
Compiling accounts, controlling budgets, presenting reports and statistics
Supervising junior admin staff.
attend supervision, training and meetings as and when required.
You may be required to perform other ad-hoc tasks in the warehouse that may be deemed necessary.
Please note the above list in not exclusive
Person Specification
• A good deal of common sense, etiquette and an ability to think on one’s feet
• Ideally educated to degree level (A’ level education considered)
• A minimum of 0ne year PA/secretarial experience (This can be waived for extremely outstanding applicant )
• High attention to detail, speed and accuracy essential
• Good computer literacy (MS Office, Excel, PowerPoint)
• Excellent organisational skills
• Excellent communication skills, both verbal and written in English and Chinese
• Professional telephone manner
• Proven ability to work under pressure and to tight deadlines
• Bright, confident personality
• Well presented
• Highly personable
• Flexible and mature approach with ability to work unsupervised
Desirable skills
• UK driving licence and more than 1 year driving experience
UUCL is an Equal Opportunity Employer. Nobody will be discriminated due to work experience, nationalities, race, gender, etc. We are a licensed sponsor under Tier 2 general (A rating)-Sponsor Licence Number: 3DM9N63X2.
Company informationUUCL is one of the leading companies in international business between Britain and Asia-Pacific. UUCL has a unique portfolio of professional services. The company is active in four different areas:International Project ManagementEstate Investment ManagementAntiques TradeHoliday and Tour EventsUUCL was formed in 2005 in the United Kingdom and has since enjoyed a strong and steady growth. Today UUCL-based in the UK-has developed its business with many organisations and individuals in France, The Netherlands, Germany, United States of America, China, Taiwan, Hong Kong, Macau, Singapore, Thailand, Korea and Japan etc. As a result of its success and prestigious services to companies and individuals internationally, It has a worldwide client portfolio.
How to apply
Please send your CV and covering letter to hr @ uucl.co.uk or mail to: UUCL, Catchpell House Business Centre Bernard St, Edinburgh, EH6 6SPT: 0131 4670081, F: 0131 4670099
We regret that only short listed candidates will be notified.
Job Type: Permanent
Job Location:
• Edinburgh, Midlothian
Required education:
• Diploma
Required experience:
• PA/Secretarial: 1 year
Required language:
• Chinese

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【首页】→ 【广而告之】→ 回复:广而告之板块:房屋出租,二手买卖,商业广告,工作招聘请进广而告之


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