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㊣英语口语大全 - 日常口语篇 『 睡觉  』
uklife(2009/7/11 17:56:49)  点击:93956  回复:0  IP:212.* * *
  It’s bedtime. 但你还是精神抖擞吗?你的家人、朋友还在瞪着眼睛看电视吗?督促自己和家人洗洗涮涮赶紧睡啦,熬夜对身体可不好哦!

  很晚了。It’s late.

  ○ It’s midnight. 已经半夜了。

  我还想看电视。I want to watch more TV.

  ○ Turn off the TV. 把电视关上。

  明天的事情都准备好了吗?Are you ready for tomorrow?

  ● be ready for…“为…做好了准备”

  我卸完妆了。I finished taking off my make-up.

  ★ make-up n. 化妆,化妆品

  ● take off“去掉,脱掉”

  该睡觉了。It’s time to go to bed.

  = It’s time to go to sleep.

  = It’s bedtime.

  ★ bedtime [bedtaim] n. 就寝时间

  把你的床铺好。Make your bed.

  ● make bed“铺床”

  我一点儿也不困。I’m wide awake.

  = I’m not sleepy at all.

  ○ I can’t fall asleep. 我睡不着。

  ★ asleep a. 睡着的

  ● wide awake“完全清醒的,醒着的”

  我困了。I’m sleepy.

  ○ It seems I have been asleep just now. 我刚才好像都睡着了。

  我要去睡觉了。I’m going to bed.

  = I’m off to bed.

  = I’m going to sleep.

  = I’m going to hit the hay.

  ○ Off to bed now. 现在去睡觉。

  ○ I think I’ll say good night now. 我想我要说“晚安”了。

  ■ hit the hay = hit the sack,在口语中表示“上床睡觉,就寝”。

  你定闹钟了吗? Have you set the alarm clock?

  ● set the alarm clock“定闹钟”

  做个好梦。Sweet dreams.

  = Have pleasant dreams.

  ★ pleasant a. 令人愉快的

  When will you pay my money back?


  What? What are you talking about?




Mother:It’s time for bed.

  Frank:But I’m not sleepy, mom. Can I stay up and watch more TV?

  Mother:It’s already past 11. You have school tomorrow. You’ll be sleepy all day tomorrow if you don’t sleep well tonight.

  Frank:I know, but I promise I won’t be sleepy tomorrow. I work really hard.

  Mother:Don’t you have exams coming up? soon? I’m sure you could spend more time preparing? for those.

  Frank:Oh, I nearly forgot the exams.

  Mother:You do well in the math, but your history is not good enough. Am I right?

  Frank:Yeah, I guess so. Maybe I could go to sleep now and get up early to review the lessons tomorrow.

  Mother:An excellent idea. Work now and play later.

  Frank:I know you’re right. School is more important than TV, but can I watch one more show then go to bed?

  Mother:No, now is bedtime.




  母亲:已经是十一点多了。你明天还要上学。 如果你今晚上不休息好的话,明天一天你都会犯困的。










  v. 允诺,答应


  n. 数学

  ? review

  v. 回顾,复习

  ? show

  n. 节目,表演



  “be coming up”表示“很快来临,即将发生”,例如:With Christmas

  coming up, few people have much money to spare.(圣诞节快要到了,很少人手里还有很多闲钱。)另外,“come up ”还可表示“走近,走过来”,例如:One of the teachers comes up and starts talking to me.(一位老师走过来,开始和我谈话。)

  “spend + 一段时间 + doing sth.”表示“花费时间做某事”。例如:Sam spends all his free time painting.(山姆利用所有的业余时间画画。)常用的固定表达还有:“spend time in/at…”,例如:We'll have to spend the night in a hotel.(我们将不得不在旅馆过夜。)

  FUN 轻松:贴士

  stand in line to get on the bus

  one's body jerks forwards/


  step on sb's foot




  ① He is asleep. 他睡着了。

  ② He’s fallen asleep. 他睡着了。

  ③ He is sound asleep. 他睡得很熟。


  ① Go to bed/sleep. 去睡觉。

  ②I’m off to bed. 我要去睡觉了。表示短时间的睡觉:

  ② He took a nap. 他打了个盹儿。

  ② He napped. 他打了个盹儿。

  FUN 轻松:笑话

  Here Comes My Neighbor 我的邻居过来了

  There’s this drunk standing out on the street corner. And a cop passes by and says, “What do you think you’re doing?” The drunk says, “I heard the world goes around every 24 hours, and I’m waiting on my house. Won’t be long now; here comes my neighbor.”


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