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英国卫报(guardian) 对Queen's University, Belfast大学的介绍 [英文]
pizza(2009/5/18 21:45:51)  点击:99029  回复:0  IP:139.* * *
Queen's has a good academic reputation. It is home to three centres of excellence: inter-professional education, active and interactive learning, and creative and performing arts. The university launched an employability and skills initiative in 2008, which includes a unique programme that officially recognises extracurricular activities such as sport or voluntary work. Students receive the degree plus award alongside their degree when they graduate. The campus is a 15-minute walk from the city centre, by the lovely botanical gardens and the Ulster Museum. Queen's takes its role in the community seriously: there's the annual Belfast festival, a film festival, art gallery and Northern Ireland's only arthouse cinema.

£3,225 for full-time undergraduate courses in 2009-10 for students on sandwich-year placements; students entering at stage 0 will pay £1,290 in their first year.

If you have a household income of up to £18,820, you will receive £1,185. Between £18,821 and £23,820, you will receive £655. Between £23,821 and £33,820, you will receive £110. Other support too.

Guaranteed for about 80% of freshers, from £65 to £90 a week. Prices for renting in the city are £50 to £55 a week.

New student guidance centre and a £7m extension to the university's physical education centre, which has led to Queen's being selected as an official training camp for the 2012 Olympics. £9m has been spent on the student union, which is currently ranked fourth in the Russell group.

Most major British cities are within an hour's flying time from Belfast's two airports, which offer flights to many locations in Ireland and mainland Europe, as well as direct services to North America. Regular ferry services to Scotland and England.

Tel: 028 9024 5133
Email: [email protected]
Web: qub.ac.uk
Accommodation: [email protected]

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