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[视频] Queen's University - Charter Day Honour for Heaney
befats(2009/4/15 21:40:35)  点击:98356  回复:1  IP:212.* * *
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Queen's University - Charter Day Honour for Heaney

英国贝尔法斯特女王大学 - Queen's University Belfast, Northern Ireland, UK

Nobel Laureate Seamus Heaney has received a Lifetime Achievement Award from Queen's Graduates' Association

A festival of fireworks and song greeted Nobel Laureate Seamus Heaney at Queen’s when he received a Lifetime Achievement Award during the University’s Centenary Charter Day celebration.

The Queen’s graduate received his award after the world premiere of Anahorish, a piece of music inspired by Heaney’s poem of the same name. Commissioned by Queen’s Graduates’ Association (QGA), the piece was composed by Queen’s graduate Deirdre Gribben.

Also present at the Centenary celebration were Kamalesh Sharma, Secretary-General of the Commonwealth and well known broadcaster Nick Ross, a former Deputy President of Queen’s Students’ Union.

.1.  回复:[视频] Queen's University - Charter Day Honour f...
befats(2009/4/15 21:43:07)  IP:212.* * *

A festival of fireworks and song will greet Nobel Laureate Seamus Heaney at Queen’s tonight when he receives a Lifetime Achievement Award (Tuesday 2 December) during the University’s Centenary Charter Day celebration.

The former Queen’s lecturer will receive his award after the world premiere of Anahorish, a piece of music inspired by Heaney’s poem of the same name.

Commissioned by Queen’s Graduates’ Association (QGA) to honour one of its most notable living graduates, the piece was composed by Queen’s graduate Deirdre Gribben, whose father William is originally from Anahorish. The piece will be sung by soprano Linda Barrett, one of a quartet formed for the occasion.

Also present at the Centenary celebration will be Kamalesh Sharma, Secretary-General of the Commonwealth and well known broadcaster Nick Ross, a former Deputy President of Queen’s Students’ Union.

The special guests will join over 300 of the University’s staff, students, graduates and friends at the dinner which is taking place in the Sir William Whitla Hall at Queen’s.

Queen’s President and Vice-Chancellor Professor Peter Gregson said: “One hundred years ago today, Queen’s officially became a university in its own right when King Edward VII granted its Royal Charter.

“Throughout our Centenary year we have celebrated with students, staff and alumni from around the world. During a Royal visit earlier this year, Her Majesty the Queen unveiled the Centenary Stone, on which is carved the Centenary Stanza, penned to mark the occasion by Nobel Laureate Seamus Heaney, one of our most distinguished graduates.

“I am therefore delighted that Seamus is with us tonight to receive his lifetime achievement award. His impact on arts and literature has achieved global recognition and his contribution to Queen’s University has been immense. I cannot think of a more fitting way to close our Centenary celebrations than by honouring one of the most eminent graduates in the University’s one hundred year history.

“Tonight is also an international gathering, a point reinforced by the presence of our guest of honour, Secretary General of the Commonwealth, Kamalesh Sharma.

“International connections are vital in today’s higher education environment and we have welcomed visitors from around the world to help celebrate our Centenary. This includes those who attended the Mitchell Conference in May, when honorary degrees were conferred upon former UK and Irish premiers Tony Blair and Bertie Ahern, while in July Nelson Mandela joined the Queen’s family when he became the University’s Centenary Honorary Graduate. We have given thanks for Queen’s in a ceremony at St Anne’s Cathedral hosted by the four main Churches in Northern Ireland, and we have been honoured by Belfast City Council.

“Most importantly though, we have marked the year by doing what we do best, and what we were founded to do - research and education. The lasting legacy of this Centenary year will be the cutting edge research we have undertaken and the thousands of men and women who have graduated from this fine University.

“As we enter our second century, we are looking towards a future in which our presence will be felt even more strongly on the world stage. We do so with confidence, recognising the enormous support of all our graduates, partners and stakeholders.”

QGA President, Bernard Fitzpatrick, who will deliver the citation for the Lifetime Achievement Award, said: “Tonight is the culmination of a memorable year for Queen’s Graduates’ Association. It is with great pride that we will present Seamus Heaney with his lifetime achievement award in recognition of both his endeavour and success, surrounded as he will be, by fellow graduates.”

After receiving his award, Seamus Heaney will recite the Centenary stanza he wrote especially for the University’s Centenary year.

The quartet performing Anahorish consists of Simon Mawhinney, pianist, School of Music at Queen’s; Cliona Doris, harpist, Dublin Institute of Technology; Niamh McGowan; violin, from Royal Northern College, Manchester and Linda Barrett, soprano, Methodist College, Belfast.

Other events being held to mark the occasion include a tree planting Ceremony in the Quad at 2.30 pm today by Mr John Andrews, a descendant of Professor Thomas Andrews.

At 6.15pm a special bell ringing toll will also take place in St Thomas’ Church, Eglantine Avenue, Belfast

For media enquiries please contact: Lisa Mitchell, Senior Press Officer, +44 (0)28 9097 5384, Mob: 07814 422 572, [email protected].

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