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中英双语阅读:希望自己从来没做过的事情(Is There Anything You Wished You've Never Done?)
suffo(2009/4/14 17:27:27)  点击:94479  回复:0  IP:139.* * *
来源: 教育中文翻译

About 4 years ago, during an ex-college mate's wedding reception, my friends and I were seated with some of her previous colleagues and their spouses. Having come from an international accounting firm herself, my college mate's colleagues were either senior finance managers or financial controllers of large multi-national corporations. High fliers, I would say.


A friend started chatting with one of the spouses. Seriously, I wished he had never started it because throughout the conversation, the spouse was haughtily bragging about his corporate profile. How many people there were in his department. How much turnoverhis company generate every year etc.


But he was stumped by one question.


“So, which secondary school(ie. high school) were you from?” My friend piped.


“Errh…” There was a long pause before he continued, somewhat defensive.
“I was from yyy school. I was young and ignorant then and my uncle was telling my mum what a good school yyy was. It was only after I was admitted that I realized the school was quite notorious in the neighbourhood. I wished I had never listened to my uncle's advice!”


When I heard that, I was aghast.


Why was he such a loser? Quick to claim credit for his achievements but brushed away facts that seemingly tainted his wonderful track record?


But as I reflect the incident now, I realized that the spouse was not alone.


Why You Shouldn't Do That


A lot of people I knew personally, like looking back into what they've done. They call it reminiscing. I don't see a problem with that except that most of them chose to do it in a manner that is very destructive.


They review the past wishing and hoping that they've never done certain things, hypothesizing that if they had never done what they did, they would be much better off.


That they would be spared the agonizing experience which they went through.


That they would not be required to bear the blemishof that “stinking” past.


But the truth is, when you're doing that, you're indirectly judging yourself. You get upset for the “imperfections” you've sole-handedly created and tries to make it up by working even harder. Even when you've attained remarkable achievements, you still felt that they weren't enough. Whatever you've done couldn't atone for the misdeeds. Because in your eyes, your past was too unforgivable.


To lessen the pain, some people chose to relinquishall responsibility. Like the spouse, they pushed the blame to others. However, it just makes them even more conscious of that “imperfection”, a pain that wouldn't go away.


What You Should Be Doing Instead


Now, if what I'm describing above sounds like you, the first thing you should do is to stop fretting on the past and slowly learn to


* Take Accountability. Whatever that's good or bad about you or your choices is yours alone. Only when you acknowledge them as part of your entirety will you realize you actually possess the ability to change it.


* Be Grateful. Think about it, if not for your past, would you be inspired to work even harder to achieve what you did today? If not for the outcomes of past decisions, would you know what course of actions to take or not to take? It's through setbacks that you get to see how tough you're. So shouldn't you feel glad that you just went through one more opportunity to manifestthat potential?

凡事感谢。想想吧,若不是因为过去,你现在能备受激励地努力工作,获取今天的成绩吗?要不是因为过去的决定,你怎么知道做什么,不做什么? 正是通过挫折,你才看到自己有多坚强。难道你不应该高兴又通过一个机会证实了自己的潜能?

* Enjoy the Journey. Coming down so hard on yourself merely robs you of the pleasures in life and simply makes you more disgusted with it. Take heed of the downs and savour the rewards of your achievements. You know you should. Because you jolly well deserve it!

享受旅程。 对自己苛刻只会剥夺你享受生活的乐趣,让你更厌倦生活。留心生活中的低潮,同时品尝成就的奖赏。你知道应该这样,因为你值得!

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