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[转载] 英国签证面试问答
Jojo(2008/12/10 21:59:06)  点击:94656  回复:0  IP:212.* * *
     Me(我): Good afternoon.下午好!

  VO(签证官): So, where are you going? 你去哪里?

  Me: Phillips Academy,Andover. 菲利普斯学校,安多福。

  (VO reads forms)(签证官阅读表格)

  VO: It seems they’ve given you some money as well. 看来他们还给你钱了。

  Me:Yes, a full financial aid scholarship. 是的,全额奖学金。

  VO:I see. Do you know why they’ve accepted you?噢,你知道他们为什么录取你吗?

  Me:Well, apparently they think my English is very good, and I have some um... cherished abilities. 嗯,显然他们认为我的英语非常好。而且我还具备一些——呃——值得珍视的能力吧。

  (VO pauses, reading forms)(签证官停下,读表)
  VO:Have you ever been abroad? 你以前去过国外吗?

  Me:Yes, I’ve been to the United Kingdom. Do you want to see my old passport? 是的,我去过英国。您想看我的旧护照吗?

  VO: Yes. 是。

  (I give her the passport through the slit, VO takes a brief look)(我把旧护照递给签证官,她看了一下)

  VO: How many schools did you apply for? 你一共申请了多少所学校?

  Me: Just this one, I didn’t have time to apply for others. 就这一所。我没有时间申请别的学校了。

  VO: So, why do you want to go to Phillips Academy instead of high schools here? 那么,你为什么想去上菲利普斯学校而不在这里上高中呢?

  Me: I have been to Britain before, and I have experienced what education was like in the western world. I think the Chinese Education System is too rigid, and focuses too much on tests. I think Andover’s course system suits me well; it not only focuses on students’ intellectual abilities, but also focuses on the goodness of the morality of students. I think if I went, I would be able to become a good person, a decent person.我以前在英国上过小学,对西方国家的教育体制有所了解。我觉得中国的教育体制太死板、太注重考试了。我觉得安多福的课程设置很适合我,它不仅重视对学生智力能力的培养,而且还重视对学生优秀的道德行为的培养。如果我能去那里上学的话,我将成为一个优秀的人,一个高尚并值得尊重的人。

  VO(smiling笑了):Well, we like decent people. 当然,我们喜欢高尚的人。(她离开一会儿)

  (On coming back, VO types furiously on a computer, not saying a word)(回来时,她向计算机打入许多信息,没说话)


  (VO continues typing. After few seconds, she tears a red piece of paper, gives it to me)(签证官继续打字。过了一会儿,她撕下一张红色的纸给我)

  VO:Please wait a minute, then when you’re called, please go to window 10 to get your visa. 请稍等一会儿,等叫到你时,到10号窗口去拿你的已签证的护照。

  Me: Thank you, thank you very much! 谢谢!非常感谢您!

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