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wtw(2008/1/8 16:20:03)  点击:98814  回复:6  IP:61.* * *
听说关于毕业生可留一年的IGS签证现在改成两年了。哪位大哥知道详细信息的?一篇转自苹果的帖子给大家参考。 http://powerapple.com/modules.php?name=for...;topic=39592。

.1.  回复:学生IGS签证并入HSMP[转载]
wtw(2008/1/8 16:21:24)  IP:61.* * *
2007年12月5日,英国国籍,公民和移民大臣Liam Byrne宣布英国明年第一季度即将实施最新的高技术移民标准。由于明年英国移民国籍法律和体系要进行全面的改革,英国政府借鉴澳大利亚的计分体制实施5级计分制度,高技术移民位于第1类别(Tier1 )的签证。英国把以前高技术移民和投资移民类别等8类合并后制定新的高技术移民计分标准。

第4项. 毕业生签证,适合在英国毕业的学生。这个只是一个过渡的高技术移民签证,与前面的3个不同,只给2年的签证,允许在2年期间转成其它工作类签证。但这个签证不算在拿永久居留的时间。




.2.  回复:学生IGS签证并入HSMP[转载]
wtw(2008/1/8 16:21:50)  IP:61.* * *
1、第5页的第10项的Post-study work

Post-Study Work
This category aims to retain the most able international graduates who have studied in the UK. It will also enhance the UK’s overall offer to international students.

Post Study Work will be part of the Highly Skilled tier because successful applicants will be free to seek employment without having a sponsor. But, unlike the other Highly Skilled sub-categories, it is there only to provide a
bridge to highly skilled or skilled work. People with Post Study Work leave will be expected to switch into another part of the points system as soon as they are able to do so.

To encourage people to switch, leave will be fixed at 2 years maximum, it will not be possible to apply for further leave and time spent in the sub-category will not count towards the threshold for being eligible to apply for

.3.  回复:学生IGS签证并入HSMP[转载]
wtw(2008/1/8 16:22:11)  IP:61.* * *
2、第8页Post Study Work:
Eligible qualification
Eligible UK institution
Obtained while holding Student (Tier 4) leave or as a dependant
Apply within 12 months of obtaining the qualification

语言要求:Deemed to meet.

Maintenance跟 General grounds需要满足

.4.  回复:学生IGS签证并入HSMP[转载]
wtw(2008/1/8 16:22:35)  IP:61.* * *
3、转入第12页,写的具体的要求:我Copy过来Highly skilled Tier, Post Study Work sub-category
This sub-category will provide a transitional route enabling high-calibre graduates from eligible UK institutions – in whatever subject - to transfer into
Work Permits (Tier 2 when implemented) and other Highly Skilled categories. It will subsume the International Graduates’ Scheme and the Fresh Talent: Working in Scotland Scheme.

Specific criteria (pass mark = 75)

Criteria specific to the sub-category: pass mark = 75
Has successfully obtained either:
• A UK recognised degree at bachelor’s level; or
• A UK recognised degree at postgraduate level; or
• A UK postgraduate certificate or diploma; or
• An HND from a Scottish institution. 20
At a UK institution that is either:
• A UK recognised or listed body; or
• On the Tier 4 sponsors register (once implemented). 20
Obtained the qualification whilst in the UK with:
• Student (Tier 4 once introduced) Leave; or
• As a dependant of someone with valid leave in an immigration category permitting the bringing in of dependants. 20
Made the application within 12 months of obtaining the eligible qualification.
English language
Post Study Work applicants who meet the pass-mark for the specific criteria will be deemed to meet the English requirement.

Maintenance (pass-mark = 10)
Start up costs Funds Total sum
Initial applicants, out of country £400 £2,400 £2,800
The first dependant would require 2/3 of the Funds of the main applicant; each subsequent dependant would require 1/3.

We expect that the majority of Post Study Work migrants will switch from the Student (or Tier 4) category in-country, in which case the maintenance
test will be £800 for funds only plus additional funds for any dependants.

.5.  回复:学生IGS签证并入HSMP[转载]
wtw(2008/1/8 16:22:57)  IP:61.* * *

.6.  回复:学生IGS签证并入HSMP[转载]
wtw(2008/1/8 16:23:17)  IP:61.* * *

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