【中英阅读】畅游安大略5座博物馆86scot(2016/1/4 14:26:23) 点击:
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116.* * * The chronology of Canada extends long before we Canadians came and microwaved it all with the depressing advances of civilization ever since. Many museums acrossthe country chronicle this shuffling step from the untapped environment to the urbandominion over nature. Some go beyond the 49th parallel – known colloquially as the geographic boundary of Canada and the US – and report onthe history of the world.
Here are five of the best museums in Ontario. Each one is a testament to how high we’ve risen and how low we can go. In short, they’re a must-see.
Thoughthe architecture resembles a green house after a fire, the ROM is Canada’sforemost museum. Housing over six million items, including a fullyreconstructed T-rex, Yaun Dynasty artefacts, Egyptian mummies, and new advancesin science, the ROM squeezes the wonders of the world within its walls. Thedisplays are often interactive. The exhibitions are poignant, well-curated, anddiverse. And every Friday sees the museum being turned into a club, where youcan practice evolutionary bragging and clink your glass against a T-Rex.
There wouldn’t be Canada without canoes, and the Canadian Canoe Museum explores thecharacteristically northern allure of Canada. Focussing on First Nations influence, early explorers’ experimentation, and a thousand-plus differenttypes of canoes, the CCM allows visitors to experience Canada’s unique craft.Build a birch canoe. Listen to a Mi’kmaq wigam creation story. And wish thatyou were in a river, touring the museum through a canoe.
When I was 12, I entered the Canadian Warplane Heritage for the first time. Myreview of it still stands, though: wow.
Locatedbesides John C. Munro International Airport in Hamilton, the museum isrocket-fuel for any level of historian, aviation enthusiast, and person who likes things that go fast (which means, everyone). While the collection houses many exhibitions, displays, and virtual simulators to keep a visitor entertained, the planes are the stars in the sky. Many of them are in workingorder. In fact, the museum has one of the two airworthy Lancasters in the world. The blast of the engine is reason enough to go.
Ionly notice my shoes when they can no longer be noticed. Holes, wear, and gunkoften reduces my footwear to glorified toe coverings. But after attending twoout of four BSM’s exhibits (‘All about Shoes:Footwear Through the Ages’ and ‘Beauty, Identity, Pride: Native North AmericanFootwear’), I found my Achilles heel – or notably, my lack thereof, consideringmy worthless shoes.
As the world’s largest collection of shoes, BSM is afashionista’s wonderland. While much of the museum focuses on the cultural,sociological, and historical significant of footwear, the museum showcases slippers worn by Queen Victoria, platform heels from Elton John, and numerousloafers from a variety of athletes and celebrities alike. It’s certainly wortha trip on foot, no less.
In a post 9/11 world, it’s pivotal to fight the half-baked stereotypes, prejudice,and misconceptions propagated as political truths. Aga Khan Museum, acollection of Islamic art and culture that portrays the intellectualachievements of Muslims throughout history, is such a place of challengingcuriosity and hopeful renewal. Beautiful geometry is coupled with well-curatedartifacts, rich history, and informative guides. The museum’s theme is Din andDunya, which translates to “Spirit and Life”. And at Aga Khan, the question presents itself: how can there be one without the other?
在后9·11·时代里,最关键的是要和被渲染成政治事实的那些半生不熟的陈见、偏见和误解作战。阿加汉博物馆就珍藏了那些刻画历史上穆斯林思想成就的文化艺术珍品,是挑战成见的好奇和带来希冀的革新酝酿之地。在这里,既有美丽的几何图案,保存完好的文物,也有醇厚的历史和饱学的向导。博物馆的主题是“Din and Dunya”翻译过来就是“精神与生命”。在阿加汉,无需多言,那根本问索已自己呈现:没有他者,哪有己我?一生二,二本唯一。