【中英阅读】卷福写给圣诞老人的一封信tinyhut(2015/12/14 13:59:23) 点击:
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116.* * * 英国人对于文学的热爱和对书信的依赖从历史一直延续到现在:他们到现在还会有很多阅读会,包括有一个盛会叫Letter Live, 是请名人来朗读书中的片段。明年3月10~15日这个盛会又要在伦敦开幕,于是为了庆祝盛会归来,组织者在12月7日,也就是英国国家写信日,邀请了一些名人名士写一封信给我们大家最熟悉的老爷爷Father Christmas 圣诞老人。其中就包括本尼迪特Benedict Cumberbatch,我们最熟悉的夏洛克Sherlock的饰演者。
Benedict Cumberbatch has written a letter to Santa Claus asking him for "a little more time for children to be children".
He was writing to promote the Letters Live event next March, which celebrates the power of literary correspondence.
The Sherlock star wrote:
This is what I'd like to ask you to help with. A little more time for children to be children. Stretch the moment of magic and playfulness. Distract them from the realities of a world gone mad so that they can laugh with their breath rather than sob with their tears.
Especially those caring for family members, or suffering illness, hunger or poverty. Especially those hiding in buildings as bombs rain down, or being handed shaking with fear or cold into a boat to escape environmental disaster or war. Please help to light up their worlds with a moment of joy and hope.
Spare a thought too for those millions who want to write to you but through illiteracy can't. Hear their words and help to give them the time and chance to learn how to read and write so they can better their lives and escape their impoverished beginnings.
He signed off promising to leave some extra port and mince pies for the man in red, and asked for a lightsaber.
Cumberbatch was among a number of stars who penned letters to Santa including Annie Lennox, Radiohead's Thom Yorke, Thandie Newton and Russell Brand - who thanked him for "Jeremy Corbyn, Charlotte Church and the new series of Peep Show".