【中英阅读】黑狗综合症”—因“黑”不受待见suitel(2015/12/11 12:09:40) 点击:
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116.* * * 人的长相会影响命运,狗狗也是如此。长久以来,由于人们的偏见,黑狗一直无法摆脱“黑狗综合症”,被误认为是凶恶狂躁的动物,也因此总是遭到忽视,走向安乐死的命运。
Black dog syndrome refers to the tendency for black- or dark-coated dogs to be passed over for adoption in favor of lighter colored dogs in an animal shelter.
Black dogs are often treated differently than other dogs -- and are often overlooked by people who come to shelters with the intention to adopt.
The phenomenon is commonly referred to as "Black Dog Syndrome" or "Black Dog Bias," a stereotype against dark-colored animals possibly ingrained in people through depictions in movies and books, according to experts.
"Sometimes black dogs are seen as scarier by people," said an expert. "It's very, very unfair -- you can get a bite from a little yellow Chihuahua faster than one of the bigger black dogs."
Still, there is an abundance of anecdotal evidence from shelter workers that black dogs are routinely ignored, and, as a result, more of them are euthanized due to a shortage of space at shelters.