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【中英阅读】名嘴Ellen的人生建议 坚持你的与众不同
chatnet(2015/10/28 15:06:29)  点击:88728  回复:0  IP:116.* * *
艾伦秀主持人艾伦•德詹尼丝的特立独行和积极正能量鼓舞过很多人。主持中她幽默风趣,生活中她勇敢面对自己的人生,毅然选择出柜。今年的青少年选择奖(Teen Choice Award)颁奖典礼对于她来说意义非凡,不仅获得最佳脱口秀节目主持人奖,这一天更是她与妻子的七周年结婚纪念日。在获奖感言中,艾伦也真挚地向青少年们提出了人生建议:与众不同没有错,每个人都应该为自己的独特而骄傲。

Wow, thank you so much. I’m honored to be in that category, there were some hilarious people and so thank you very much and what a coincidence, and it’s convenient, I was on my way to the beach, I had forgotten my surfboard so this will come in handy. I’ll put it on top of my car.

I wanna say right now that I am pro-Teen Choice just wanna get that out there. And you know they say teens make bad decisions but you made a very good decision tonight by choosing me that was smart, smart, smart. All of you.

I wanna say also it feels good to be chosen but there was a time in my life that I was not chosen. I was the opposite of chosen because I was different, and I think I wanna make sure that everyone knows that what makes you different right now, makes you stand out later in life. So you should be proud of being different, proud of who you are.

I won a People’s Choice Award, I would think that teens would be in that category. I don’t know why teens are not in the “people” category but if they’re breaking it down, I’d like an award from the elderly and babies — if that’s going to happen — to cover everybody.

The most important thing I wanna say is just really embrace who you are because being unique is very, very important and fitting in is not all that matters. It’s being unique and being who you are.

And what an amazing day this is, this is my 7-year wedding anniversary, so happy anniversary.

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