那些适合慵懒聪明人的工作(中英双语阅读)palm21(2015/6/26 16:17:14) 点击:
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116.* * * In a world where work-related stress has rocketed could the most intelligent option be simply to find the least-taxing, most lucrative job on offer? Could the smartest choice for a future career be the path that requires the least amount of effort? We looked to question-and-answer, and here’s what the masses had to say.
English, anyone?
Computer game designer, Andy Lee Chaisiri wrote: “Perhaps one out of every three English teachers I’ve met in Beijing describe themselves as intelligent, but very lazy.”
电脑游戏设计师Andy Lee Chaisiri 写道:“我在北京认识的英语老师中有三分之一的老师表示自己很聪明但是很懒。”
He wrote that teaching roles in China are often lucrative and high demand means ” entry standards are not restrictive”. In some cases, the only requirement is that an applicant was born in an English-speaking country.
Chaisiri explained that because English teaching has flexible hours “lots of people are English teachers only part time which means that if you do decided to turn English teaching into your career, you will be steadily moving up.”
He added: “Your income levels will match the middle class college graduates that work 50 hours a week and do overtime.” So go forth and teach English, you lazy guy!
Keyboards and pyjamas
Paul Denlinger suggested: “Computer programmer: It is a continuous learning process, but you really don’t have to work that hard , and gradually you learn that many of the challenges are repetitive.”
Paul Denlinger建议的是:“电脑程序员,这是个不断学习的过程,但是不必过于努力,慢慢你就会发现很多问题都是重复的。”
Even the nature of the work itself lends itself to doing less, he indicated. “Good programmers write as few lines of code as possible, and it is one of those professions which pays well, while at the same time, encouraging laziness, Denlinger wrote. 他
Ask me, I’m an expert.
Matthew Kuzma wrote: “My personal opinion is that the best possible job for someone who is intelligent but lazy would be to be a professional ‘expert’ at something, to get paid to just share your thoughts and opinions about things with people.”
Matthew Kuzma写道:“对我来说,对于那些聪明但是很懒的人来说,最合适的工作就是成为某一领域的专家,只须与他人分享一下自己对某事的看法和观点就可拿到工资。”
He advises the idle to “identify the activities you don’t consider work. Chances are, the things you consider fun and easy are things someone else finds so hard that they’re willing to pay you to do them.”
There’s always Windows
As it happens, taking a laid-back approach to tackling a project is not always a negative either. Arvind Krishnan quotes billionaire Bill Gates as saying "’I will always choose a lazy person to do a difficult job, because he will find an easy way to do it’."
但采取懒散的方式处理一个项目并不总是消极的。Arvind Krishnan引用了亿万富翁Bill Gates的话“我通常会选择让懒人做比较困难的工作,因为他们总能找出简单的方法。”
So lazy-but-intelligent people of the world:“Looks like you have a shot at Microsoft.”