[双语时讯]全球50最安全城市 北上广入榜86scot(2015/2/6 10:48:41) 点击:
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116.* * * 《经济学人》杂志最近列出了一项城市安全系数,可供参考。经济学人信息部根据城市规模和资料收集的难易程度选取了50个城市,在超过40项指标上对这些城市进行了评分,这些指标主要可归为四大类型:网络信息保障程度、人身健康保障程度、城市基础设施安全性和人身安全性。
We care about staying safe during our travels, especially when we take our epic adventures solo. There's no reason for travel disasters when you can prevent them.
That's why we have special interest in visiting the world's safest cities, as recently ranked in The Economist's Safe Cities Index. The Economist Intelligence Unit looked at 50 cities, selected for factors including their size and availability of data. The cities were ranked on more than 40 metrics that spanned four main categories: digital security, health security, infrastructure safety and personal safety.
Wealthy Asian cities, like Tokyo and Singapore. The other top spots went to cities in Europe, Australia, Canada and the U.S. .
And it doesn't hurt that while they're safe, these cities are also pretty incredible to visit. The Economist's 5 safest cities in the world are:
1. Tokyo, Japan
日本 东京
2. Singapore
3. Osaka, Japan
日本 大阪
4. Stockholm, Sweden
瑞典 斯德哥尔摩
5. Amsterdam, the Netherlands
荷兰 阿姆斯特丹
Oh and if you're curious, the cities that came in at the bottom of the list were:
46. Riyadh, Saudi Arabia
沙特阿拉伯 利雅得
47. Johannesburg, South Africa
南非 约翰内斯堡
48. Ho Chi Minh City (Saigon), Vietnam
越南 胡志明市
49. Tehran, Iran
伊朗 德黑兰
50. Jakarta, Indonesia
印度尼西亚 雅加达
The report notes that wealth and economic development is closely linked to city safety but certainly does not guarantee it. Researchers also wrote that, "Being statistically safe is not the same as feeling safe."
While there are many factors indeed that make a city "safe" or "unsafe," it never hurts to consider the facts before a trip -- and we certainly plan to do so. Cheers to safe travels, everyone!
1. Tokyo 东京
2. Singapore 新加坡
3. Osaka 大阪
4. Stockholm 斯德哥尔摩
5. Amsterdam 阿姆斯特丹
6. Sydney 悉尼
7. Zurich 苏黎世
8. Toronto 多伦多
9. Melbourne 墨尔本
10. New York 纽约
11. Hong Kong 香港
12. San Fransisco 旧金山
13. Taipei 台北
14. Montreal 蒙特利尔
15. Barcelona 巴塞罗那
16. Chicago 芝加哥
17. Los Angeles 洛杉矶
18. London 伦敦
19. Washington, D.C. 华盛顿
20. Frankfurt 法兰克福
21. Madrid 马德里
22. Brussels 布鲁塞尔
23. Paris 巴黎
24. Seoul 首尔
25. Abu Dhabi 阿布扎比
26. Milan 米兰
27. Rome 罗马
28. Santiago 圣地亚哥
29. Doha 多哈
30. Shanghai 上海
31. Buenos Aires 布宜诺斯艾利斯
32. Shenzhen 深圳
33. Lima 利马
34. Tianjin 天津
35. Rio de Janeiro 里约热内卢
36. Kuwait City 科威特城
37. Beijing 北京
38. Guangzhou 广州
39. Bangkok 曼谷
40. S?o Paulo 圣保罗
41. Istanbul 伊斯坦布尔
42. Delhi 德里
43. Moscow 莫斯科
44. Mumbai 孟买
45. Mexico City 墨西哥城
46. Riyadh 利雅得
47. Johannesburg 约翰尼斯堡
48. Ho Chi Minh City 胡志明城
49. Tehran 德黑兰
50. Jakarta 雅加达